28 September 2006

Randolph AFB

Ok, all. I am now in San Antonio, TX at Randolph AFB. I have checked into the 562d Flying Training Squadron and found out that my first few weeks will be nothing but boring. I show up at 10 AM for a roll call, before that I can go to PT at 7ish or go work out on my own. After roll call, I am done for the day. That is until my flight school gets approved. When that happens, my morning will be used up by learning how to fly Cessna Aircraft at a local flight school. I do, however, hope to fill up some empty time by coaching basketball at a local Catholic high school in San Antonio. I need to check with some people to make sure that's cool and all and that I will have the time for sure. But I can say that it will surely be strange coaching basketball in the winter....with no snow.....and no cold....strange. I will be getting my new address out to you all soon enough. The dorm manager needs to get off of his rear and get me a freakin room. Anyway, I ask that all of you out there pray for me, especially in this situation about coaching basketball. It is something that I would love to do, but I do not know what is going on. I just ask that you pray that I may have the time to do this thing that I love so much.

God Bless


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