The Adventures of Peter
16 July 2006
12 July 2006
Upper Class!
It is official. At the end of our seventh week, we became the upper class! As of yesterday, Tuesday, July 11, our lower class arrived. Boy, was that fun! I will post some pictures very shortly, but I do not have access to them right now. But we do get to correct the lower class in our very own way. Man, are they nervous. I cannot understand how we were like that at one time, but I know we were. It is amazing how far you can come along in seven weeks. We are very good at what we do with the lower class. I think that we will be able to train them well, much better than our upper class did us. Tragically, we must get them to the place that we are at in half of the time that we had. We graduate August 11. That is about 30 days from now. I think we can do it. We are a good bunch of people and can apply ourselves really well.
02 July 2006
Fifty Freakin' Percent Done!
Here I am. Halfway point! Six weeks down, and six more to go. And the best part about it, our upper-class is graduating at the end of this week. That means they are much less on our case because they are now coasting the rest of the way through. And once they leave, the place belongs to us! We become the upper class and get to do the yelling and shouting and wonderful styles of correction to the lower class.
So, as you can imagine, things are going well. We have base privileges now and last night we went to see Mission Impossible III. It was all right. Then today, for our base privileges, our entire class went to a little park and had a cookout and picnic. It was a grand ole time. And to top it off, we had done so well the past week, the officers in charge granted us eight hours off of base tomorrow to do what we want! I am so freaking excited for that. Unfortunately, we have to be back by 8 PM, but that's all right. Then we have another day off for the Fourth. After that, only three days left for the upper class. Things are going very well. My last test was excellent, my physical fitness tests were still passing, but not as good as it needs to be. It'll get there.
It is just really good to know and feel that things are going well. I wish I had some more pictures for you all. I'll get some. I promise. Well, that is all for now. Check you all later.