26 June 2007

Fundamentals of Navigation

Well, I have now officially passed my check ride for my Fundamentals of Navigation portion of my nav training. Our next portion is called Systems Navigation where we primarily learn how to navigate by radar. So, we'll be back in the classroom for about a week, then we go back to flying and simming. It is going very well for me. On my last three events, I've been graded as "excellent" which is as high as the grading goes. Now, it will go back down to "goods" most likely until I get the hang of all the new equipment that we will be learning to use. It's all really exciting.

In other news, well, there is no other news. My dad is coming down to visit in about a week and I hope I can get my brother down here sometime soon. I really want to get to Chicago, though, and check out the new house that Kate and Jim bought. Also, I want to visit my nieces as well.

Drop a line sometime! I'd love to hear from any of you who read this!

11 June 2007

Time for Another One!

Ok, so it's been a little while since I last updated this, so here I go:

I just had a test this morning, our third since all the real learning began. Also, we've had simulator missions and one flying mission on our training aircraft, the T43A. So far, all of my grades on the missions have been "good." There are four different grades you can get: Excellent, Good, Fair, and Unsat. Fair is not considered passing, but not really considered failing. Unsat is pretty much a fail. So, I'm right on track with where I should be. Now, on the three tests, I've gotten 100, 100, and 90. I kind of dropped the ball on the last one, but I still passed. Grades really only count for getting the aircraft that you want, and as it stands, I can tell that I'm probably one of the top four in my class and shouldn't have any problems with getting what I want when it comes down to it.

Other than that, things are going just fine. The weather down here is starting to really heat up! And the softball season has begun. Our student team should be starting to play some games some time in the next week or so. It should be a real great time!

I hope you all are doing well!