28 September 2006

Randolph AFB

Ok, all. I am now in San Antonio, TX at Randolph AFB. I have checked into the 562d Flying Training Squadron and found out that my first few weeks will be nothing but boring. I show up at 10 AM for a roll call, before that I can go to PT at 7ish or go work out on my own. After roll call, I am done for the day. That is until my flight school gets approved. When that happens, my morning will be used up by learning how to fly Cessna Aircraft at a local flight school. I do, however, hope to fill up some empty time by coaching basketball at a local Catholic high school in San Antonio. I need to check with some people to make sure that's cool and all and that I will have the time for sure. But I can say that it will surely be strange coaching basketball in the winter....with no snow.....and no cold....strange. I will be getting my new address out to you all soon enough. The dorm manager needs to get off of his rear and get me a freakin room. Anyway, I ask that all of you out there pray for me, especially in this situation about coaching basketball. It is something that I would love to do, but I do not know what is going on. I just ask that you pray that I may have the time to do this thing that I love so much.

God Bless

22 September 2006

Baton Rouge, LA

That's right...I am continuing to push southward on my journey in the Air Force. I have stopped in Baton Rouge for the night before I go off to San Antonio tomorrow. At this rate, I should be in Antarctica in four years.

So, in Baton Rouge, my buddy Andy Westhaus and I went to a casino and yes I did make money, about $70! Good times.

So, tomorrow, I will be at my first permanent station for the next two years about. Hope all continues to go well with all this stuff.

Hope you all out there are doing well. Keep in touch.

16 September 2006

Ok, I have one week left in Alabama. How awesome is that! I finally get to leave this sorry place and move onto somewhere else. At least this next week should be a good one. We are doing a week long session with the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy. For all of you who don't know what that means, it means that all of us young Lts are spending an entire week working with Master Sergeants and Senior Master Sergeants getting to know the enlisted side of things. It surely offeres a different perspective on things. This is some of the best earning that I have done since I've been down here.

02 September 2006

Half Way There!

I am now half-way done with ASBC. That is very exciting. I am currently in Illinois hanging out with my sisters, brother-in-law, and niece. It is good times, especially to be out of Alabama. Very shortly here, in about three weeks, I will be moving on to Randolph AFB, Texas. Then I will have a more permanent address and will have a steady schedule and have time for some kind of a life. I hope everyone out there is doing well.